My Guide To Protecting Your Dog From Ticks

Read time: 3 minutes

What are ticks?

Ticks may be small, but the impact they can have on our four-legged friends is anything but insignificant. 

As a pet parent, I’ve learned firsthand the importance of protecting my dogs from ticks, especially as they spend a lot of time out in the countryside, frollicking through long grass! 

Ticks are tiny parasites that lurk in tall grass, waiting for an opportunity to latch onto passing animals or humans. Once attached, they can transmit a range of diseases, including Lyme disease and ehrlichiosis which can pose serious health risks.

What’s crucial to understand is that ticks aren’t just a concern during the warmer months. They can remain active throughout the year, even in cooler weather. 

This means that even on brisk days when we’re out for a stroll, I remain vigilant for any signs of ticks.

To ensure my dogs stay safe from these pesky parasites, I’ve adopted several simple yet effective strategies, I hope you find them helpful!

james middleton removing a tick from dog

Tick Prevention Treatment

Consult with your veterinarian to determine the best tick prevention products for your dog. 

This might include spot-on treatments, tick collars, or oral medications designed to repel and eliminate fleas and ticks. You can also purchase a tick remover tool to keep handy. 

How to use a tick remover?

Tick removers are great little tools which are perfect to keep handy in the event of you finding a tick on your dog. They’re usually small, plastic and inexpensive. You can purchase them online, in most pet stores or from your local vet practice. Here’s how to use one!

  1. First, approach the tick with the hook-end of the tool and gently hook the tick from underneath.

  2. Start to slowly rotate the tool in circles.

  3. After 2-3 full rotations, the tick should detach from your dog’s skin. 

  4. Thoroughly check your dog’s skin for any parts of the tick which may not have detached completely.

If not removed properly, parts of the tick can sometimes remain embedded in your dog’s skin. This can lead to infection if not removed quickly, so it’s always best to take them to a vet for a check over after removing a tick.

Regular Tick Checks

After every outdoor walk in grassy areas, make it a habit to thoroughly inspect your dog for ticks. 

Pay close attention to areas where ticks are most likely to hide, such as around the ears, neck, and between the toes. 

Maintain Short Grass

Ensure that the grass in your garden is kept short. Ticks tend to prefer tall grass, so by maintaining a shorter lawn, you’ll reduce the risk of ticks lurking in your outdoor space.

Avoid Tick-Prone Areas 

When choosing your walking routes, consider steering clear of heavily wooded or densely grassy areas, known to be hotspots for ticks. 

This helps minimise the chances of encountering ticks during your outdoor adventures.

Seek Veterinary Care

If you discover a tick on your dog or notice any symptoms of tick-borne illnesses, such as a fever, lethargy, or lameness, promptly seek veterinary attention. 

Early detection and treatment are crucial for ensuring your dog’s health and well-being.

By implementing these proactive measures, you can enjoy your time outdoors with peace of mind, knowing that you’re doing everything you can to protect your pup from ticks. 

Keeping our four-legged friends safe from these harmful parasites is essential for their overall health and happiness, allowing us to cherish every moment spent together in nature!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this read! As usual, if you have any thoughts or experiences you’d like to share, please feel free to reach out to me at

Until next time,

James x


James' Top Tip

Perform regular tick checks on your dog, especially after outdoor adventures in grassy areas, to promptly remove any ticks before they can pose a threat.

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